Les scientifik

Science as I see it. This section focuses biotechnology which is the major I am currently studying in only my second year in the
National University of Singapore. In this section I will try to discuss some of the key issues related to each topic and hope they may be of some humble use or relevance to you. Be advised ,I'm only an undergraduate, don't expect pHD or ground-breaking stuff in here. But I hope you find the information and links here useful. If you have any further links or stuff that would be useful to put up, please don't hesitate to email them to me, I would really appreciate it, thanx.

The recent development in the scientific community  has sparked off serious debate as to it's applications and ethics. Many people, including me, believe that we are currently going through a boom in Cell & Molecular Biology, just as there was a Physics boom in the Atomic age. Here is a brief insight into issues such as cloning, transgenesis and so on as we march ever closer to a Brave New World.

A tribute to scientific geniuses, who have in some way contributed greatly to the development of
biology and the development of the science.

The Biological Sciences Society is a student-based organisation for the information and the well-being of the bio-community in the National University of Singapore . Do check it out, as it is done by yours truly and I hope you will find it useful.